Suspend resume problem in Ubuntu 18.04
Solution 1:
I fought with this problem on my Lenovo Thinkpad for a good while. I do not have a nvidia card. From what I gathered after a few days of reading, there is some kind of issue with 4.15 kernels and above with Intel Celeron N processors. I tried a user suggested patch (4.15.024), tried the nouveau.modeset=0, and for a while reverted back to Ubuntu 17.10
The only clear fix I have applied is rolling back the kernel to 4.14.59 (SEE UPDATE AT END OF MSG). My laptop now goes into suspend correctly (via power button or laptop lid closing), and it comes out of suspend correctly.
An app called UKUU allows installing additional Kernel's. You may have to edit your GRUB settings to define the default grub. Long explanation that I am not the best to provide.
use of suspend extremely important to me on this device. small/low powered machine takes a long time to boot. If I can open and close it and carry it around in suspend, Ubuntu 18.04 is great.
-Further info gleaned from filing a bug report, upgraded kernel to 4.18 and now everything is working fine (suspending and resuming from suspend without problems).
Solution 2:
After some research, I have found that you can solve this error, at least for a Dell Inspiron 5557 like mine, by adding the following parameter to the kernel command line, "nouveau.modeset=0" editing the grub configuration file.
$ sudoedit /etc/default/grub
Insert the command to the line as follows: "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nouveau.modeset=0 quiet splash"" press ^O, save the file, press ^X and run:
$ sudo update-grub