Fastest screen sharing between mac and windows? [closed]

Now that Skype 2.8 is out of beta with screen sharing, I'm interested to hear what people have tried and/or prefer for screen sharing between Windows and Mac OS X.

Options I'm aware of include:

  • Skype
  • CrossLoop
  • Adobe ConnectNow

My main use for this is doing remote tech support for my extended family. I'm on a mac and most of them are on Windows. I've tried Mac to Mac using Adobe's product and iChat and iChat is much faster.

What do you like? What do you recommend against?

Solution 1:

I've been using LogMeIn. I've only used it between Windows machines, but it seems to work quite well. They have a Mac version available.

Solution 2:

Just plain VNC will work between pretty much any platform, so long as you have a client and server. Mac OS X has built-in VNC capabilities accessible through the Sharing preferences, and a built-in VNC client located at /System/Library/CoreServices/Screen For Windows, UltraVNC is a fairly good server/client program. As JP mentioned, you can also use RDP when controlling a Windows computer, and there's an official Mac RDP client available.

Another great cross-platform product (with free and other paid versions, though for Mac only the free version exists) is LogMeIn. They also have an iPhone client, which is great for traveling without a laptop.

Solution 3:

I don't know whether it's the "fastest", but I use TeamViewer for both Mac-to-Mac and Mac-to-Win screen sharing and it works well and with a little tweaking (quality all the way down), it's let me help people on extremely poor connections (say, GPRS dongles).