Installing firmware with samsung magician dc

Using the instructions here, the solution to this problem (which I had as well) is to create the folder structure FW/DXM06B0Q and move the DXM06B0Q.enc file in there. As explained in the link I mentioned, the structure should look like this:


Why Samsung doesn't prepare the zip directly with the correct structure for their own tool is beyond me.

In any case, this will probably not get you much further, since it does seems the firmware update cannot be performed if your system is booted from the SSD, or at least that's what my best guess is seeing the (new) error message:

Samsung(R) SSD Magician DC Version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Corporation
WARNING :Please Note that Firmware Upgrade may format the disk and you will loose your data.
Please Ensure that data backup is taken before proceeding to Firmware Upgrade.
if you are sure then only proceed, otherwise restart the application after taking a backup.
Continue Firmware Upgrade ? [ yes ]:yes
Disk Number:  *0 | Model Name: Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series | Firmware Version: DXM05B0Q
F/W Update:  [ERROR] Firmware Update Failed Due to a failure in device interaction.  

Update: in fact it seems that the firmware update is successful, despite the error message.

This process worked for me (Dec '15) updating the firmware of a 840 PRO from DXM04B0Q to DXM06B0Q

  1. Download samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz from OP's first link.
  2. Unpack, cd to the relevant directory and run magician -L to list your drive:

    ~/samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2/64bin # ./magician -L
    Samsung(R) SSD Magician DC Version 1.0
    Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Corporation
    | Disk   | Model                     | Serial         | Firmware  | Capacity | Drive  | Total Bytes |
    | Number |                           | Number         |           |          | Health | Written     |
    | 1      |Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series |S12SNEAD118417H |DXM04B0Q   | 476 GB   | GOOD   | 62.01 TB    |

    Note, this is magician v1. I tried magician v2 from the 'Data Center' section of the downloads page (, but ./magician -L couldn't find my disk.

  3. Download the Windows 'Samsung Magician Software for PC' ISO from the above download site (
  4. Mount the Windows ISO and the .img it contains with:

    mount -o loop ~/Downloads/Samsung_SSD_840_PRO_Series_DXM06B0Q_Win_Mac.iso /mnt
    mkdir /tmp/btdsk
    mount -o loop /mnt/isolinux/btdsk.img /tmp/btdsk
  5. Upgrade the firmware. In my case the disk is disk 1, so I use:

    ~/samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2/64bin # ./magician --disk 1 --firmware-update \
      --fwpackage-path /tmp/btdsk/samsung/DSRD/

    I then got the same error as bdumitriu: F/W Update: [ERROR] Firmware Update Failed Due to a failure in device interaction..

  6. Do a hard power-off, power-on. A reboot is not sufficient (in my experience).
  7. Run magician -L, which should report the new firmware. If not, check /usr/local/Magician/LoggerFiles/Logger_0.txt, which magician writes to.