How do I disable the Unity keyboard shortcut overlay?
Is it possible to disable keyboard shortcut overlay in Ubuntu 12.04?
Solution 1:
For Ubuntu 12.04 and below:
The keyboard shortcut overlay is controlled by an option in the compiz unity plugin.
In the experimental tab of ccsm
you can untick the option shown.
Remember the use of CCSM is strongly discouraged - you can achieve the same via gconf-editor
untick the option shown in the path /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/shortcut_overlay
Solution 2:
For those like me that prefer the command line:
Ubuntu 12.10+:
(Tested up to 16.04)
dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/shortcut-overlay false
Ubuntu 12.04 and below:
sudo apt-get install gconf-editor
gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/shortcut_overlay --type bool false
Solution 3:
For Ubuntu 12.10:
You can disable this behavior following this steps:
Install Ubuntu Tweak
Open the label Tweaks and choice Unity
Now you have to look at the second option called Shortcuts hints overlay
Now click at the box to turn this feature off, so this remains as this: