How to install Viber in Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

Viber has released its official client for Ubuntu/Linux. To install it, open your terminal with CTRL+ALT+T and type:


Then unzip it and cd to that viber directory. Then do as:

cd Viber

That will install Viber in your Ubuntu.

How to install in .DEB way // Currently only 64-bit available

Open your terminal and type:

wget -O viber.deb  
sudo dpkg -i viber.deb

That's it. You can access Viber in your Ubuntu.

Update : I came to know that some of the users are getting

home/$USERNAME/Viber/Viber: 1: /home/$USERNAME/Viber/Viber: �: not found
/home/$USERNAME/Viber/Viber: 1: /home/$USERNAME/Viber/Viber: ELF: not found
/home/$USERNAME/Viber/Viber: 1: /home/$USERNAME/Viber/Viber: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

so that Issue can be fixed by "♦: command not found" in tty after login post.

Solution 2:

Download deb package from

Install the .deb package:

cd /viber_download_location/

sudo dpkg -i viber.deb

If you are running 32bit system use

sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i viber.deb