“Nota Bene” in technical writing

Solution 1:

It's better known, and more often used, as the abbreviation NB. Expanded, it could indeed be taken as pompously using Latin for the sake of showing off that you know a Latin phrase.

In other contexts I'd worry that some who know NB might not know Nota Bene. That's probably not a great concern in a masters' thesis, but it's another reason to favour the abbreviation, generally.

Solution 2:

It's not pompous. I use it all the time with my clients, e.g.,

I have corrected the issue with the new flash update. N.B. if you manually install the update when prompted your software will break again.

It's simple translation is note well. Also, I consider it a caveat: in my writing, if anyone who knows me sees N.B., it means pay attention to this part!