How do I call the Python's list while debugging?

I have the following python code:

values = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
import pdb

I run the script and I am in the debugging shell:

(pdb) list(values)
*** Error in argument: '(values)'

How can I call list(values) in the debugger without invoking the debugger's own list command?

Just print it:

(Pdb) print list(values)

don't foget to add brackets for python3 version

(Pdb) print(list(values))

Use the exclamation mark ! to escape debugger commands:

(Pdb) values = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
(Pdb) list(values)
*** Error in argument: '(values)'
(Pdb) !list(values)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


Since this data structure is already an sequence it is redundant to specify it as a list. So this will work fine.

(Pdb) print values


(Pbd) print(values)

if you are using Python3

Optionally for a nice listing with newlines

(Pdb) for x in values:  print x


(Pdb) for x in values:  print(x)

for Python3