What's a man called who follows everything his wife says or wishes?

In Hindi, there is a phrase called "zoru ka gulaam". Translated in English as "slave of his wife". Typically the people who get this honorary title are those who seem to care for their wife more than expected. Not only care but they also never seem to question any of their wives actions. In short, they do as their wives please.

What is the word for these kind of people in English language?


  • Uxorious: having or showing a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife
  • Henpecked: henpecked husbands
  • Whipped/ pussywhipped (vulgar slang): every man who is not a complete pussy-whipped sap must hope he succeeds
  • Under the thumb: The poor guy; he squirms under the thumb of a domineering wife 1

You could also call him an overly doting husband. Such husbands are often also said to have been cowed down by their wives.

I would say the English version is henpecked husband. If the wife is cheating and harassing her hubby and he likes it there is sexual fetish called cuckold or cuck for short. I believe you can say someone is cuck if he is devoid, strip of his manhood.