Line Art: A word like Scrimshaw or Filligree?

I'm looking for a word that refers to a fine, decorative line-work illustration that is used for accenting signage or letterhead. It's similar in usage to scrimshaw (except not a picture) or filigree (except not made of wire).

What word am I looking for?

An example are the decorative lines around and within the Jack Daniels no.7 label, as seen here: Jack Daniels no.7 Label!

Solution 1:

That type of design is called Scrollwork which originally described the patterns created with a scroll saw but now include graphic designs and even cake decorating.

example of cake decorating using scrollwork from Wikipedia Cake Decorating site

Example of simple scrollwork design:

example of simple scrollwork

The label you used as an example might have originated as a design carved into wood, as an early means of creating a template that could then be rolled with ink or paint and "stamped" onto paper or cloth, where the etched portions, being below the surface of the piece of wood, would remain white (uninked or painted) on the transferred surface. This method was known as woodblock printing. Scrollwork was a frequent design element in that art. This method of printing traces back to the 1500s (on paper) and even earlier on fabric, per this article on the history of printing.

scrollwork. (n.d.). Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. Retrieved June 18, 2015, from website:

Solution 2:

I think the term you are after is flourish:

  • (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) an ornamental embellishment in writing. (Collins Dict.)

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