Ubuntu 18.04 keeps freezing (nvidia)

I had a problem with radomly freezes on Ubuntu 18.04 but with Geforce 9600M GT graphics but only with proprietary driver 340. Problem was in Adaptive Mode. This graphics have three or four clock levels. When I set up only full performance mode on boot I had never more any freeze.

Try adding this to autorun:

nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/GpuPowerMizerMode=1

I was having laggy video performance in VLC and Chrome. I was running Nvidia 390.30 drivers. I tried other suggestions on other threads, but ultimately updating to Nvidia 390.48 drivers fixed my laggy video.

In Ubuntu 18.04 using this command with install the Nvidia 390.48 drivers:
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall

Either uninstall all others, or use the Software & Update app to switch.