How can I change the auto-hide function of Launcher to work better? [closed]

I'm new to Ubuntu, 11.10 was the first version of Ubuntu I used, it was very good.

I've just made a new install of 12.04 (clean install, not upgrade), it's also very good too but the auto-hide function of launcher is really annoying, it doesn't show up when I move the mouse (or even click many times) to its area on the left. Does anyone else experience this problem? Is there a way to overcome this? Thank you.

1) It is NOT about how hard you push the mouse cursor to the screen edge, but how far you push it. To be able to reveal the launcher, you must continuously push the cursor against the edge to reveal it.

2) To fix the launcher reveal sensitivity:

a. Install then start "CompizConfig Settings Manager"

b. Navigate to "Desktop" -> "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" -> "Experimental" tab

c. Find the string "Launcher Reveal Pressure"

d. The default is 20, change it to 8 (or whatever you prefer)

e. You don't have to close CCSM to apply the changes. Keep changing the value till you are satisfied with the result, then close CCSM.

There appear to be several changes in the autohide feature in 12.04, at least as it works on my desktop system which uses a 1920x1080 monitor in portrait mode. I am using the 3D Unity implementation, with a low end ATI graphics card.

1) In a fresh install, autohide is turned off. New Ubuntu users will probably not even realise that the autohide function exists, unless they are shown by someone, or stumble across the setting in the Appearance panel.

2) With autohide on, when no programs are running, the launcher is hidden. This is a change from previous versions, which showed the launcher when nothing was running.

3) My experience about how autohide works seems to be different than that of a couple of other posters. On my system, autohide is responsive not to how far you move the cursor, but to how fast the cursor is moving when it is beyond the left edge of the screen. A slow long movement a long way past the screen edge creates a gray flicker at the screen edge as if the launcher is just on the verge of showing itself. It takes rapid movement to make the launcher show. In practice, I need to jerk or snap the cursor past the left edge of the screen to reveal the launcher.

4) The range of sensitivity available for autohide isn't big enough. Even turned up to high, I have trouble generating enough cursor velocity to get the launcher to activate.

For me it work very well. You have to "push" the mouse arrow to the left side of the screen to show the launcher. And you can set up the sensitivity how hard you have to push. That's a really nice solution, because it was always annoying that the launcher shows up when you just scratch the left border of the screen. Especially when I try to hit the Back button of Firefox.

You should spin the mouse over the left side (like to go over left border of screen)... and the launcher magically will appear...

Is your Launcher configured to auto-hide? Because in Ubuntu 12.04LTS, that behaviour has changed slightly. You now have to press the pointer "out of the screen" in order to display it. That is; if you move your pointer against the Launcher, you'll see a shadow appear along its edge. If you continue pressing it, then the shadow grows and the launcher appears.

It is designed this way in order to minimize the number of times it appears when you really wanted to use the back-button in Firefox, or something like that. The behaviour is configurable, and you can choose how sensitive the launcher should be in System Settings > Appearance > Behaviour.