Ubuntu 18.04 - Launching Chrome shows under the VSCode icon instead

Whenever I click the Chrome icon, Ubuntu 18.04 adds the VSCode icon to the dock or adds another dot to the VSCode icon instead of the Chrome icon. The Chrome icon doesn't display any dots, it only acts as a launcher.

If I click the VSCode icon it shows the Chrome windows, but I can also right-click the icon and select New Window to launch a VSCode window. A new VSCode window also adds another dot to the VSCode icon.

How do I get the Chrome icon working again so that Chrome dots are not added to VSCode?

enter image description here

Solution 1:

You might have installed VSCode as a snap package, which causes $XDG_CACHE_HOME to be set to ~/snap/code/common/.cache, which could cause some cli tools to mistake that for your cache directory, and install/launch binaries from there.

If you install VSCode from the .deb download, it should fix your issue