"Unsubscribe to" vs. "unsubscribe from"

Marketing emails often come with an unsubscribe link in the footer. This is what Twitter uses:

You can also unsubscribe to these emails or change your notification settings.

"Unsubscribe from these emails" seems far more natural to me because unsubscribing is an act of removal. Add to, remove from. Is there a consensus on this?

Solution 1:

Affordances and auxiliaries peculiar to one verb are often found with other words derived from it.

Since subscribe takes to as a transitivizing preposition, so does unsubscribe.

  • She had subscribed to it for years.
  • She unsubscribed to it after they published that letter.

However, since unsubscribe has the negative sense of reversing a subscription, and cutting a connection -- in other words, moving away from -- the general ablative transitivizer from is also sanctioned, although it's not correct with subscribe.

  • She unsubscribed from it after they published that letter.
  • *She subscribed from it after they published that letter.
  • She was divorced from him shortly afterward.