Someone who never finishes anything

Is there a word for someone who starts things but doesn't finish them?

Similar to a procrastinator who delays starting things, but this person has no problem starting new projects.

Solution 1:

quitter (noun):

a person who gives up easily or does not have the courage or determination to finish a task

'This is not a game for wimps, quitters or the easily bruised: there will be no quick fixes.'

Source: ODO

The Japanese idiom, mikka bouzo, translates literally as: 'three-day monk'. It is used in reference to a person who easily gives up after starting something new.

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Solution 2:

I'd use ineffectual/feckless person:

  • Lacking forcefulness or effectiveness; inadequate or incompetent: an ineffectual ruler; ineffectual in dealing with a problem.

The Free Dictionary

Solution 3:

Deserter comes close. In the army, a deserter is someone who joins the force and abandons (his duty or post) midway, with the intention of not returning.

deserter: to leave (a person, place, project etc.) without intending to return, especially in violation of a duty, promise, or the like.

Solution 4:

Procrasterbator: someone who puts off the start or finish of tasks by substituting a more attractive or satisfying activity in its place. I.e. - whacking off instead of working out.

The important concept here is although a clear goal is "in hand" Once attained it isn't eliminated, as the likely chance of a repeat performance in the future.