Workaround for Viber and libcurl3 on Ubuntu 18.04

For those of you looking for a workaround to make Viber coexist with other apps like Opera and Virtualbox depending on libcurl4 and uninstalling your Viber client, here's a workaround:

Visit Viber website, download the rpm version (Fedora) and convert the rpm package to deb using alien:

sudo apt-get install alien

sudo alien --to-deb --scripts viber.rpm

Install the package:

sudo dpkg -i viber_7.0.0.1035-3_amd64.deb

I hope it helps.

Solution 1:

Since Claudio didn't moved his answer post as a new answer, I opened a new >answer post. Otherwise this question is still seen as question without answer, which is not true.
@claudio: Post your answer as separate and flag this answer as to be deleted

workaround to make Viber coexist with other apps

  • like Opera and Virtualbox depending on libcurl4 and uninstalling your Viber client, here's a workaround:

Visit Viber website, download the rpm version (Fedora) and convert the rpm package to deb using alien:

sudo apt-get install alien
sudo alien --to-deb --scripts viber.rpm

Install the package:

sudo dpkg -i viber_7.0.0.1035-3_amd64.deb

I hope it helps.