Inverted Horizontal scrolling ubuntu 18.04

I recently upgraded from 17.10 to 18.04 and the horizontal scrolling is inverted. Natural scrolling does not affect it in any way, suggestions on how to change it back? (swipe rigth to go left)

Solution 1:

I also encountered this issue upon upgrading to 18.04, this was my solution:

Use xinput list to find the device id of your touchpad.

Use xinput list-props yourdeviceid. This will produce a long list of all the properties you can edit for that device. We're interested in a property to do with scrolling distance, on my system this is Synaptics Scrolling Distance (283). It should have two values, on my system (with natural scrolling enabled) these were -115, 115 (vertical distance, horizontal distance). Note the value in the parentheses, in my case 283, it's how we'll identify the property to change it.

Use xinput set-prop yourdeviceid 283 -115, -115, replacing 283 and the scrolling distance values with whatever is appropriate. (The change is to make both values negative, which gives the desired result of "natural" scrolling.)

This setting will not persist across system restarts, which is an issue all on its own. I use a .xsessionrc file in my home directory to execute the xinput command on startup.
This will probably not work in 17.10, since Wayland does strange things to xinput.

Solution 2:

See this:

Use the following commands to set the amount and direction of natural scrolling (plus or minus values change direction):

synclient HorizScrollDelta=-100
synclient VertScrollDelta=-100

You can put this command in your autostart script to run it when you log in.