how to exclude directories and file zipping a directory?

I, need to zip a directory excluding some subdirectory and file; I used this:

zip -r . -x ".*" -x "app/bower_components" -x "node_modules" -x "*.zip" -x "node_modules"

without any success; node_modules is a folder in the principal one while bower_components is inside the folder app

Solution 1:

I simply make a guess what you want.

-x ".*"

exclude all files beginning with a dot

do it like:

-x .\*

exclude all files (with a dot in the filename)

do it like:

-x \*.\*


-x "app/bower_components" -x "node_modules"

exclude this directory and all files in it

do it like:

-x app/bower_components/\* -x node_modules/\*


-x "*.zip"

exclude all zip-Files

do it like:

-x \*.zip

You exclude node_modules twice

Solution 2:

Assuming your directory is a git repository (and judging by the question, it very likely is), you can add directories that you want to exclude to the .gitignore file and use the git archive command to zip contents of your directory:

git archive --format=zip HEAD -o

In your example, the .gitignore file would have to look like this:


Solution 3:

exclude all node_modules folders in all folders.

zip -r . -x "**/node_modules/*"

Solution 4:

Something like this should do the trick:

zip -r dir1/ -x */\.* *.git* \.* *.zip *.csv *.json *.rb *.bak *.swp *.back *.merge *.txt *.sh dir1/node_modules/**\* dir1/bower_components/**\* dir1/dist/**.*

Where following -x is a list of directories and file (extension) types to exclude.