What is this number 1 on my Google Chrome icon (Mac)?

After the latest update (or a very recent one if not the latest; basically it showed up sometime leading up to or including Version 47.0.2526.111 (64-bit), which is what is currently running), the Chrome icon is showing a numeral one in the bottom-right corner (see image below). This doesn't appear to correspond to downloads, as I've cleared the download list on both profiles. It also doesn't appear to correspond to profile, as the circle with a 1 in it doesn't correspond with either of the profiles (I came across an article stating that the pizza icon that had shown up for someone was corresponding to the user), and it doesn't change based on active window.

Does anyone know what this is for?

Chrome with numeral 1

Solution 1:

The number represents active downloads...

Those if you have a transfer pending (or paused, or perhaps corrupted), it may not show up in the download list, yet it's still "active".

Click the Chrome icon, and choose "quit", if you have any pending/active/paused downloads, it will offer you a chance to cancel or continue them. Cancel them, exit Chrome, and the number overlay should go away.

For more info/discussion perhaps check out this Google Groups posting.

Solution 2:

There are some applications/websites that don't use the google download function. I had the same issue... quit Chrome (confirmed download cancellation). Then remembered that I had used Whatsapp Web on my Mac on a large video then never seemed to finish downloading. I can recreate the Number in the Dock Icon by reclicking on the Whatsapp video... no worries