how to insert email separator line in outlook

Solution 1:

You can create different styles of lines by typing specific characters three times, followed by Enter.


You can also create graphic lines using Borders and Shading.



Solution 2:

In Outlook message editor go to the Insert tab and click the Horizontal Line button in the Symbols group (in the right side of the ribbon).

Then right click on the newly inserted line and select Format Horizontal Line,

format horizontal line

select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 60% as the colour and change the line height to 1,

line colour & height

your inserted line should look almost identical to the default line.

line comparison

Solution 3:

  1. Click on Actions/Edit Message.
  2. Select and highlight 2 lines; the line that has the "From" and the line above it.
  3. Go to "Format Text" tab, on the Paragraph ribbon tool, click on the drop-down for borders, it is the last tool to the right at the bottom, right below the AZ tool.
  4. On the drop-down for borders, go to the last menu item for "Borders and Shading".
  5. Click the drop-down for Color
  6. Choose last option in the Color drop-down which is "More Colors".
  7. You will get a pop-up screen for Colors. On the Custom tab, enter the following numbers for Red 181, Green 196, Blue 223.
  8. Click OK to close the Colors pop-up.
  9. Now you are back to Border and Shading pop-up screen, click OK to close it.
  10. Again on "Format Text" tab, on the Paragraph ribbon tool, click on the drop-down for borders to open it again.
  11. On the drop-down for borders, click "Inside Horizontal Border". The blue line will get added in the previously selected color. Clicking this menu item more than once will toggle the blue line on/off.

Solution 4:

For Office 2016:

  1. On the Insert tab of the Office 2016 ribbon, select Horizontal line.
  2. Right-click on the line and select Picture.
  3. This is where things depart from @thims' (2007?) solution, as the lines are different in 2016:
    • Leave the Height at 1.5 pt.
    • Select "White, Background 1, Darker 15%" as the color.
    • Change the alignment to left (I found this lined up more accurately with the default line).

Picture of line properties

This results in a line that isn't noticeably different when separated by lines of text:

Picture of results