Application for trimming a video mp4 of ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I would like to trim a video I have in mp4 format and I can't seem to find the right tool to do this. My laptop has Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

You need to install ffmpeg.

To install the ffmpeg sudo apt-get install ffmpeg to copy specific short durationg from the video file.

Sample :-

ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -ss 00:03:20 -c copy -t 00:00:30 output.mp4

-i -->Input file. The file name of the original video clip.

-ss -->Copy the new video from the original video started after 3 minute and 20 seconds.

-t -->Duration of the new video clip,(ex:- 30 seconds.)

Vidcutter is a simple tool that can trim your videos. Install with

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ozmartian/apps
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vidcutter

Lauch vidcutter and select a file with the open button:

enter image description here

use the vertical bar to scroll to the first part to add to the video and click

start split. Drag the bar to where you want the video to end and click end clip. Then use the save button to join your videos. There is no loss in quality in the process