How do I make 33% "list view" in Nautilus be the default view for the system?

How do I make 33% "list view" in Nautilus be the default view for the system?

If there isn't a way, another thought I am questioning: Is there a way to set a view to go recursive into all child folders? What if I want my Music folder to have a certain style of view permanently?

Solution 1:

From within Nautilus navigate the menus to Edit->Preferences.

On the main Views tab change the "View new folders using" option to "List View" and the "Default zoom level" option at the bottom to 33%.


Solution 2:

Addendum to fluteflute's answer:

If you want to delete previously saved (per-folder) views, you can delete the files in ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata. Next time you start Nautilus, all folders should use the view type you set in the preferences.