Reason to Pass a Pointer by Reference in C++?

Under which circumstances would you want to use code of this nature in c++?

void foo(type *&in) {...}

void fii() {
  type *choochoo;

Solution 1:

You would want to pass a pointer by reference if you have a need to modify the pointer rather than the object that the pointer is pointing to.

This is similar to why double pointers are used; using a reference to a pointer is slightly safer than using pointers.

Solution 2:

50% of C++ programmers like to set their pointers to null after a delete:

template<typename T>    
void moronic_delete(T*& p)
    delete p;
    p = nullptr;

Without the reference, you would only be changing a local copy of the pointer, not affecting the caller.

Solution 3:

David's answer is correct, but if it's still a little abstract, here are two examples:

  1. You might want to zero all freed pointers to catch memory problems earlier. C-style you'd do:

    void freeAndZero(void** ptr)
        *ptr = 0;
    void* ptr = malloc(...);

    In C++ to do the same, you might do:

    template<class T> void freeAndZero(T* &ptr)
        delete ptr;
        ptr = 0;
    int* ptr = new int;
  2. When dealing with linked-lists - often simply represented as pointers to a next node:

    struct Node
        value_t value;
        Node* next;

    In this case, when you insert to the empty list you necessarily must change the incoming pointer because the result is not the NULL pointer anymore. This is a case where you modify an external pointer from a function, so it would have a reference to pointer in its signature:

    void insert(Node* &list)
        if(!list) list = new Node(...);

There's an example in this question.

Solution 4:

I have had to use code like this to provide functions to allocate memory to a pointer passed in and return its size because my company "object" to me using the STL

 int iSizeOfArray(int* &piArray) {
    piArray = new int[iNumberOfElements];
    return iNumberOfElements;

It is not nice, but the pointer must be passed by reference (or use double pointer). If not, memory is allocated to a local copy of the pointer if it is passed by value which results in a memory leak.

Solution 5:

One example is when you write a parser function and pass it a source pointer to read from, if the function is supposed to push that pointer forward behind the last character which has been correctly recognized by the parser. Using a reference to a pointer makes it clear then that the function will move the original pointer to update its position.

In general, you use references to pointers if you want to pass a pointer to a function and let it move that original pointer to some other position instead of just moving a copy of it without affecting the original.