RestSharp simple complete example [closed]

Pawel Sawicz .NET blog has a real good explanation and example code, explaining how to call the library;


var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest("api/item/", Method.GET);
var queryResult = client.Execute<List<Items>>(request).Data;


var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest("api/item/", Method.POST);
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
request.AddBody(new Item
   ItemName = someName,
   Price = 19.99


var item = new Item(){//body};
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest("api/item/{id}", Method.DELETE);
request.AddParameter("id", idItem);

The RestSharp GitHub page has quite an exhaustive sample halfway down the page. To get started install the RestSharp NuGet package in your project, then include the necessary namespace references in your code, then above code should work (possibly negating your need for a full example application).

NuGet RestSharp


RestResponse response = client.Execute(request);


IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

worked for me.

I managed to find a blog post on the subject, which links off to an open source project that implements RestSharp. Hopefully of some help to you. The blog post is a 2 parter, and the project is here:

It might help if you had a full example of what wasn't working. It's difficult to get context on how the client was set up if you don't provide the code.