Pulseaudio loopback makes pavucontrol malfunction

I've plugged my old DVD player to my USB soundcard through its stereo analog input.

I can have the sound from the DVD player through the analog output of the soundcard, using module-loopback.

In the default.pa file, i add: load-module module-loopback

This works and can be managed in pavucontrol only less than 30seconds until the sound is cut and i get a message in pavucontrol: "Establishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait.." No error message is displayed. Anybody knows why module-loopback stops working after being loaded? Thanks in advance for your answer :-)

I found out what was wrong. Module-loopback had nothing to do with the matter. It just couldn't work properly with the sample rate parameters I've declared earlier in the daemon.conf file and crashed with this error displayed by the OS:

pulseaudio crashed with sigfpe in pa_resampler_max_block_size()

Problem solved, then.