How to create an Ubuntu LiveUSB that will also boot on a Mac [duplicate]

Linux USB Creator for Mac can be used to achieve this:


  • First just select the linux distribution you want to use. You can either select from the list or browse for a Local ISO file to use.
  • After choosing Ubuntu you can browse for a USB device.
  • The program will then download the ISO, Format the disk, Copy the ISO and Install the Bootloader.
  • Your USB Drive is now ready to use. Simply boot up your mac while holding the “alt” key and select the drive.

A complimentary youtube video is also included can be viewed from the site to assist.

Please note this program hasn't been updated since the introduction of OS X 10.8 Monutain Lion.

I suggest you to use unetbootin to properly create the LiveUSB. It is a useful tool and is very simple to use.

enter image description here

You can select to download the desired distribution from the topmost menu, or use an existing .iso file if you have already downloaded it, by using the bottom option.


Unetbootin can be run on every system, but the resulting LiveUSB can't be booted on MACs.

I don't have one at hand so I can't test it for you, but I found a guide on the Ubuntu Forums that explains how to correctly prepare a LiveUsb that will boot on MACs: [Tutorial] Boot Mac and PC into USB Linux!