How to stop every batch file opening as a process named cmd.exe as seen in task manager

For the 3rd part

And the third file will not be going in the startup folder as I have a vbscript I found that will start it in background.

BUT It's not working for me and also I don't know how to use it :P.

This the VBscript(or solution) which I found.

To run a batch script or some other process as HIDDEN so it does show when launched as it would otherwise, use the below logic saved to a .VBS file. You will launch the .VBS file to execute whatever program or script you have it pointed to, and when that process is run, it'll not show a console window, etc.

Important: Be sure to plug in the full path and name of the process you wish to launch hidden in the part of the script in my example shown as C:\Path\Script.bat, and also be sure to KEEP the double quotes around it regardless of spaces in the path or file name.

Set WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WinScriptHost.Run Chr(34) & "C:\Path\Script.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WinScriptHost = Nothing

Note: I use this for a couple scheduled processes on a server where multiple people RDP into it for managing different types of scheduled jobs and schedulers (not Task Scheduler but on Windows Server), and it suits the need quite fine. I'd suggest having your batch or other processes log to a log file for later review, dynamic error reporting, etc. if possible.

Source: Server Fault

Wow that's quite a lot of information, much of which just adds confusion, so I'll stick to the title question at hand... :)

How to stop every batch file opening as a process named cmd.exe as seen in task manager?

Since batch files are intended for automating (scripting) the command-line, all batch files are run by the command-line interpreter process, which on Windows is cmd.exe.

I think the easiest method in your scenario would be to use a utility to convert your batch file into an EXE. That way you can name it how you'd like, apply an icon, and most importantly, have it show up in Task Manager as its own, named process.

For help with converting, check out this existing SU question: How can I convert a Windows batch script to a .exe?