Can you have multiple Dropbox accounts on one computer?

Can Dropbox be used with multiple accounts on one computer?

Maybe you're looking for Dropboxen?

There is a plethora of information on that page regarding multiple accounts as well. To use Dropboxen and avoid the "access denied" errors, you'll need to use symlinks. The symlinks method is also explained on the page.

Instead of using multiple dropbox accounts on one computer, I have multiple accounts, and a different one on each computer. E.I., I have a work account on my work computer, a personal account on my personal computer, and a shared "Work" folder on my personal account which the work account is connected to. I have a similar "Family" share which my family's accounts each have.

Protip: Each time you setup a new account use a referral link from your main account to get extra storage :)

You dont 'need' dropboxen or any other application to do this. You can do it by hand, its not that hard. If you are adding multiple accounts I have written instructions on my blog on how to do this. If your just doing it once, you can create a new user account and install dropbox in the new account, then log into your other account using the runas command to start the application for your other user. Then you have simultaneous instances of dropbox for two different accounts.