Emacs : Jump to the next line with same indentation

Solution 1:

A little improvement on Stefan's answer:

(defun jump-to-same-indent (direction)
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((start-indent (current-indentation)))
      (and (not (bobp))
           (zerop (forward-line (or direction 1)))
           (or (= (current-indentation) 0)
           (> (current-indentation) start-indent)))))

This function takes a prefix argument (e.g., +1/-1) that designates the number of lines to move over when searching for a line with the same indentation. It also skips empty lines. Finally one can bind both forward and backward searches using keybindings similar to M-{ and M-} for paragraphs:

(global-set-key [?\C-{] #'(lambda () (interactive) (jump-to-same-indent -1)))
(global-set-key [?\C-}] 'jump-to-same-indent)

Solution 2:

I don't know of any, but something like

(defun jump-to-next-same-indent ()
  (let ((start-indent (current-indentation)))
      (and (not (bobp))
           (zerop (forward-line 1))
           (> (current-indentation) start-indent))))

should work, which you could bind for example to M-p with

(global-set-key [?\M-p] #'jump-to-next-same-indent)