How closely synonymous are “forward” and “straightforward”?

Part 1: Introduction

In the U.S., we have a game show called Jeopardy!, where contestants answer trivia questions in certain categories. This television program, which has aired for a few decades now, has an interesting gimmick, where "answers" are given, and contestants must provide the right question. For example, in once recent episode, in the category "The Story of English", one answer was:

In Chaucer's day, "boot" was pronounced "boat"; the change to modern speech is called the GVS, "great" this "shift"

and the correct response was:

What is vowel?

Also, categories with quotation marks embedded in their name require those letters to be included in each response. For example, in the category "RR" CROSSING, a clue was

To lose assets in large quantities, or to bleed profusely

and the correct response was

What is hemorrhage?

Every once in a while, a contestant's response is initially ruled incorrect, but a panel of judges will override that initial ruling, deeming the answer sufficiently correct. (Perhaps there's another valid word for something that the framers of the question didn't anticipate.) In these cases, scores are adjusted. Since negative scores are given for incorrect answers, these corrections can have a fairly strong impact on the competition. For example, a $1200 question reversed causes a $2400 swing for one contestant.

Part 2: The Debate

The January 10th episode had a category called:


One clue was:

It's the opposite of leeward

and the correct response was:

What is windward?

Now, the part of the game that prompted a lengthy debate between my wife and I, and my question here. The clue was, quite simply:

Honest & direct

to which one contestant replied:

What is forward?

But the host responded, "No," and then gave the correct response:

What is straightforward?

As we watched, we were pretty sure that we'd see a scoring change after the commercial break, and we were surprised when we didn't. This prompted us to start looking up both words in the dictionary (actually, more than one dictionary; I'll give a few excerpts here):

  • from Macmillan:

straightforward (adj.) clear and honest

forward (adj.) very confident and direct about saying what you think, in a way that is not socially suitable

  • from ODO:

straightforward (adj.) (of a person) honest and frank: a straightforward young man

forward (adj.) (of a person) bold or overfamiliar in manner: I am not usually a forward sort of person

In the end, the debate between my wife and I ended in a split decision: one of us thought the contestant had been given a raw deal, while the other thought the judges had made the correct ruling.

Part 3: My Question

What do you think? Is forward close enough in meaning to straightforward, that the judges should have accepted that response? Or do the two words differ enough that you would stick by the judges in their refusal to deem that response correct?

Normally with these sort of things, I like to hit a lot of different dictionaries. Here though, the definitions you give tell it all:

very confident and direct about saying what you think, in a way that is not socially suitable

(of a person) bold or overfamiliar in manner: I am not usually a forward sort of person

(Emphases mine)

In the definitions you give, the fact that forward contains an excess that makes it unwelcome is given clearly of the definition. It's also implied in the example, as it wants to deny the quality - which we would of a negative excess, but not of being honest and direct.

The classic example of a straightforward person, is the sort of characters James Stewart used to play; politically open rather than manipulative, not given to intrigue, and likely to say "well, 'cos I think you're a fine looking woman so I'd be mighty pleased if you'd accompany me" rather than subtly seductive.

That last bit is the closest those characters to being forward, but they'd be horrified and apologetic if it was suggested that they were. A forward person shares the bluntness of the straightforward person, but will continue with advances to a degree that seems creepy, or where the a straightforward person would be honest about personal matters, the forward person would be honest about personal matters that have no bearing on the conversation and at a time when it is not appropriate to bring them up.

So while the forward person is indeed honest and direct, this unpleasant excess is a core part of the definition. Since honesty and directness are generally considered positive qualities, it's not reasonable to consider it a valid Jeopardy answer for that definition.

The OED has five main definitions for straightforward as an adjective. The one that applies to people is

Of persons, their dispositions or conduct: Consistent, undeviating in purpose, single-minded. Also (now usually), free from duplicity or concealment; frank, honest, outspoken.

There are nine main definitions for forward as an adjective, of which the eighth is

In bad sense: Presumptuous, pert; bold, immodest.

and the ninth is

Of persons, opinions: Advanced, extreme; in modern use, favouring vigorous aggressive action.

The difference in meaning is quite clear, and I don't think any native speaker would confuse them in actual use.