Is there something like Codecademy for Java [closed]

Does anyone know of a site like Codecademy that focuses on teaching programming with Java? ( uses guided lessons in JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and Python)

Check out CodingBat! It really helped me learn java way back when (although it used to be JavaBat back then). It's a lot like Codecademy.

Check out javapassion, they have a number of courses that encompass web programming, and were free (until circumstances conspired to make the website need to support itself).

Even with the nominal fee, you get a lot for an entire year. It's a bargain compared to the amount of time you'll be investing.

The other options are to look to Oracle's online tutorials, they lack the glitz of Codeacademy, but are surprisingly good. I haven't read the one on web programming, that might be embedded in the Java EE tutorial(s), which is not tuned for a new beginner to Java.

Compilr seems to be going in that direction:

As of right now, I do not know of any. It appears the code academy folks have set their sites on Ruby on Rails. They do not rule Java out of the picture however.