Using custom map image tiles in LeafletJS?

You are looking for a TileLayer. In this TileLayer, you give the URL for the to-be-fetched images to leaflet with a template like this:


When you are at the specified zoom, x and y level, Leaflet will automatically fetch the tiles on the URL you gave.

Depending on the image you want to show, the bigger part of the work will however be in the tile generation. Tiles by default have a 256x256px size (can be changed in the TileLayer options), and if you are using geodata the used projection is Mercator projection. It may take some time to get the tile ids right. Here is an example on how the tile ids work.

You can even serve tiles directly from a database.

The format leaflet specifies is very flexible.

Leaflet just uses the z,x,y place holders to request specific tiles.

For example:

L.tileLayer('http://localhost/tileserver/tile.aspx?z={z}&x={x}&y={y}', {
    minZoom: 7, maxZoom: 16,
    attribution: 'My Tile Server'

where Tiles.aspx

Option Strict On

Partial Class tile
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim z, x, y As Integer

        z = CInt(Request.QueryString("z"))
        x = CInt(Request.QueryString("x"))
        y = CInt(Request.QueryString("y"))

        Dim b() As Byte = DB.GetTile(z, x, y)

        Response.Buffer = True
        Response.Charset = ""
        Response.ContentType = "image/png"
        Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" & y & ".png")
    End Sub