Mac OS X: Increase mouse speed on login screen

I'm fairly certain that you're not going to be able to do this without some sort of third party software. There are a few tweaks that can be made to the loginwindow app which is running before login, but modifying the mouse speed isn't one of them.

You might try USB Overdrive which says it's a device driver in addition to a preference pane. The speed setting you set in it may affect the device driver prior to login.

The other thing you could try is playing with this code or this code to create a daemon that could be run at boot time which would modify the mouse speed.

Good luck!

I tried Jon Grant's answer and didn't work for me.

One possible workaround is this:

Since Tab doesn't focus on your user, what you can do instead is hitting your user's first letter. That will focus on it, so then you can just hit Enter and then you are able to type your password. Even better than using the mouse

EDIT: Oops, didn't notice it was 6 years old. I just noticed this with El Capitan 10.11.5

Well, this isn't a complete solution, but maybe someone can expand on it...

The Terminal command you want is:

defaults write -g 3.0

(or some higher number for faster)

I don't know what user's defaults I need to change (via su/sudo) for the login screen though.