Artificially create a connection timeout error

I've had a bug in our software that occurs when I receive a connection timeout. These errors are very rare (usually when my connection gets dropped by our internal network). How can I generate this kind of effect artificially so I can test our software?

If it matters the app is written in C++/MFC using CAsyncSocket classes.


I've tried using a non-existent host, and I get the socket error:

WSAEINVAL (10022) Invalid argument

My next attempt was to use Alexander's suggestion of connecting to a different port, e.g. 81 (on my own server though). That worked great. Exactly the same as a dropped connection (60 second wait, then error). Thank you!

Solution 1:

Connect to a non-routable IP address, such as

Solution 2:

Connect to an existing host but to a port that is blocked by the firewall that simply drops TCP SYN packets. For example,

Solution 3:

If you are on a unix machine, you can start a port listening using netcat:

nc -l 8099

Then, modify you service to call whatever it usually does to that port e.g. http://localhost:8099/some/sort/of/endpoint

Then, your service will open the connection and write data, but will never get a response, and so will give you a Read Time Out (rather than Connection Refused)

Solution 4:

Plenty of good answers but the cleanest solution seems to be this service

You can configure the timeout duration (up to 230 seconds) and eventual return code.

Solution 5:

The following URL always gives a timeout, and combines the best of @Alexander and @Emu's answers above:

Using is an improvement on Alexander's answer because is reserved by the DNS standard, so it will always be unreachable, unlike, which may change if Google feels like it. Also, because is defined to be unreachable, you won't be flooding Google's servers.

I'd say it's an improvement over @emu's answer because it's a lot easier to remember.