Move entire line up and down in Vim

In Notepad++, I can use Ctrl + Shift + Up / Down to move the current line up and down. Is there a similar command to this in Vim? I have looked through endless guides, but have found nothing.

If there isn't, how could I bind the action to that key combination?

Edit: Mykola's answer works for all lines, apart from those at the beginning and end of the buffer. Moving the first line up or the bottom line down deletes the line, and when moving the bottom line up it jumps two spaces initially, like a pawn! Can anyone offer any refinements?

Solution 1:

If I want to swap one line with the line above I usually do the following



  • dd will delete the line and add it to the default register.
  • k will move up a line (j would move down a line)
  • P will paste above the current line

Solution 2:

Assuming the cursor is on the line you like to move.

Moving up and down: :m for move

:m +1 - moves down 1 line

:m -2 - move up 1 lines

(Note you can replace +1 with any numbers depending on how many lines you want to move it up or down, ie +2 would move it down 2 lines, -3 would move it up 2 lines)

To move to specific line

:set number - display number lines (easier to see where you are moving it to)

:m 3 - move the line after 3rd line (replace 3 to any line you'd like)

Moving multiple lines:

V (i.e. Shift-V) and move courser up and down to select multiple lines in VIM

once selected hit : and run the commands above, m +1 etc