What do you call someone who is shy, withdrawn, and fearful of being approached?

What do you call someone who is shy, withdrawn, fearful of being approached, and with little interest for or even fear of social events? Sociopath would be too harsh of a term (but close) and shy too mild.

Solution 1:

A recluse is a much better word if you want to say that they avoid social contact, without passing any judgement on their behaviour.

Solution 2:

A mild form of social withdrawal might be expressed as wallflower. According to American Heritage, he or she is

One who does not participate in the activity at a social event because of shyness or unpopularity

If the withdrawal is so significant as to avoid social contact, perhaps reclusive. Collins defines it as

living alone and deliberately avoiding the company of others

She had become increasingly ill and reclusive.

One of Hollywood's most reclusive stars.

He was reclusive by nature.

Obviously, some who are reclusive may have adopted that lifestyle for reasons other than shyness or fear, such as those who do so for religious reasons.

Solution 3:

Some terms suggested in previous questions (1, 2) include
private, “Secretive; reserved”
introverted, “Possessing the characteristic property of an introvert. Preferring the internal, satisfied with self, lacking interest or comfort in social interactions
untalkative, “unwilling to talk; taciturn; refusing to speak”
secretive, “Having or marked by an inclination to secrecy; not open, forthright, or frank”
taciturn, “temperamentally disinclined to talk”
closemouthed, “cautious in speaking”
reticent, “inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech”, “restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance”, “keeping one's thoughts and opinions to oneself; reserved or restrained”

Solution 4:

If you mean to the point where they have a general social anxiety disorder, then sociophobe, though since "social anxiety disorder" is prefer over "sociophobia", it might be better to say "they suffer from social anxiety disorder". (Specialised social anxiety disorders only apply to certain situations, and sufferers may not be at all withdrawn in other situations.

Closer to the shy end of the spectrum, you would have timid, reticent and reserved.

Introverted is often taken as being something similar to this, though its better thought of as a personal disinclination toward social events than necessarily being withdrawn or shy.