What is an adventurous term for "housekeeping" [closed]

I'm working on setting up an adventure based metaphor for my son's chores, and one of the categories of "challenges" he'll be tasked with completing is housekeeping (making his bed, washing the dishes, vacuuming, etc.). Only I don't want to call it housekeeping. Is there are more adventurous term I could use with a similar meaning?

The only thing I've been able to come up with so far is "castle maintenance", but I'm not in love with that. Any other suggestions?

Solution 1:

Home Maintenance Obstacle Course

The Fight Against Clutter

Slaying Dragons - Who says the name has to fit perfectly. ;-)

Battlestar Housework

Solution 2:

When a sailing ship was about to go into battle, they had to "clear the decks" to make room for operating the guns and fighting. Everthing unessential, even partition walls and furniture had to be struck into the hold.

Maybe you could cast the jobs to fit into that model - reasons why an unmade bed would be bad if your house were attacked by pirates or some such.