What is the categorical diagram for the tensor product?

The title says it all: what is the diagram that defines a tensor product? (I'm using the term diagram here in the technical sense it has in category theory.)

Edit: This question was motivated by the following statement: "...all limits and colimits are initial objects somewhere, and we can even sort of take the view that all universal properties are initial objects somewhere", from this video (@~9:15)


There isn't one, in the sense that the tensor product, in many contexts (e.g. vector spaces), is neither a limit nor a colimit.

To describe the tensor product of, say, vector spaces by a universal property requires the notion of a bilinear map $U \times V \to W$ from a pair of vector spaces to a third vector space. To say "bilinear" while staying inside the category of vector spaces requires noting that vector spaces come with an internal hom functor $B \Rightarrow C$ and then defining a bilinear map $U \times V \to W$ to be an element of $$\text{Hom}(U, V \Rightarrow W).$$

We say that the tensor product is universal for bilinear maps out of $U \times V$; what this means is that the tensor-hom adjunction $$\text{Hom}(U \otimes V, W) \cong \text{Hom}(U, V \Rightarrow W)$$

holds. If we have these structures then we are working in a closed monoidal category. For example, all of this works out for the category of modules over a commutative ring $R$.

The situation is mildly confused, though.

  • The categorical product in the category of graphs is sometimes called the tensor product, I assume because it acts as the Kronecker product on adjacency matrices, which is the basis-dependent form of the tensor product of two linear operators. In my opinion, this is a bad name.

  • The categorical coproduct in the category of commutative $R$-algebras ($R$ a commutative ring) is called the tensor product, I assume because the forgetful functor to $R$-modules sends it to the tensor product of $R$-modules. (The tensor product can be defined for all $R$-algebras, though, and there it is neither the categorical product nor the categorical coproduct; the coproduct is given by a free product analogous to the free product of groups.)

Let's assume we're talking about tensor product of $M$ and $N$ over the commutative ring $R$. I think what you are really after is how to express the tensor product as a universal arrow, since it isn't a limit or a colimit.

Consider then the functor $F:R\text{-}\mathbf{Mod}\to\mathbf{Set}$ which takes an $R$-module $L$ to the set $\text{Bil}(M,N;L)$ of $R$-bilinear maps $M\times N\to L$. Then, let $\ast$ be any singleton set, then a tensor product of $M$ and $N$ is a universal arrow from $\ast$ to $F$. In other words, it's $R$-module $T$ and an element $f$ of $\text{Bil}(M,N;T)$ with the property that given any other $R$-module $L$ and an element $g\in\text{Bil}(M,N;L)$ there exists a unique arrow $h:T\to L$ such that $h\circ f=g$.

The notion of universal arrow, although correct here, is more often called a universal element in this case.

From http://maths.mq.edu.au/~street/PlanarDiags.pdf:

enter image description here

enter image description here

as well as other conditions.

Of course as Eugenia Cheng says in the video you've linked every limit, colimit, universal property can be seen as an initial object in a opportune category: if $F \colon \mathbf C \to \mathbf D$ is a functor a universal arrow for $F$ is just an initial object in the comma category $(\text{id}_{\mathbf D} \downarrow F)$.

That's said apparently there is a characterization of tensor product of modules via colimits or to be more precise via co-end, which can be described as a particular kind of coequalizer, you can find this characterization of tensor product as a co-end in Mac Lane's Category theory for working mathematicians.