New posts in zeta-functions

How can prove that $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty }\frac{\zeta (2n)}{4^{n-1}}(1-\frac{1}{4^n})=\frac{\pi }{2}$

Analytic continuation of Dirichlet function

Why does the Dedekind zeta function of a number field have a pole at $s=1$?

How to find $\zeta(0)=\frac{-1}{2}$ by definition?

Infinite Series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{H_n}{n^5 2^n}$

Is there a closed-form of $\frac{\zeta (2)}{\pi ^2}+\frac{\zeta (4)}{\pi ^4}+\frac{\zeta (6)}{\pi ^6}+.....$

Riemann Zeta Function's Analytic Continuation

Regularizing divergent series and Bernoulli numbers

All Ihara $\zeta$ functions for planar $k$-regular graphs with a given set of faces are equivalent

What are the branches of the $p$-adic zeta function?

Why do mathematicians care so much about zeta functions?

Apéry's constant ($\zeta(3)$) value

Double series convergent to $2\zeta(4)$?

Integral representation Hurwitz Zeta function

Evaluating $\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{\sin\left(k\theta\right)}{k^{2u+1}}$ with multiple integrals

The asymptotics of the products over primes $\prod\limits_{2<p\le n}\left(1 - \frac1{p-1}\right)$

How are Zeta function values calculated from within the Critical Strip?

Simpler zeta zeros

How to get from Chebyshev to Ihara?

Motivation on how does complex analysis come to play in number theory?