New posts in zero-article

The car has been adapted for ( disabled - the disabled) drivers [duplicate]

Why is there no article before "key" in "key amongst them being ..."?

Zero vs. definite articles in "filial piety of son to father"

"in efforts to" vs "in an effort to"

Why is it "time of day" but "hour of the day"?

Why the zero article in "in daily life" and "became pointless talking"?

Omis­si­bil­ity of the defi­n­ite ar­ti­cle “the” be­fore at­tribu­tive mod­i­fiers of per­sonal names in Amer­i­can English

Should one use the definite article before a job title followed by a name?

Using "woman" without article: "I am woman"

"The" for the first time only

"...[b]etween rich and poor" and "...[b]etween the rich and the poor"

"I saw Sue in town yesterday, but she didn't see me." Why is there no article before "town"?

Can I use zero article before an acronym term?

A definite article before government institutions

Why isn’t the definite article used in "The commission commanded that work [...] should cease"?

Can an adjective change the use of zero versus definite article?

"Time of (the) day"

When to use "the" in numbering and labelling? [closed]

Zero article after "of" in "a change of place"

Zero article before the word "part" - what is the particular reason for this?