New posts in word-choice

Do you think 'hands-on' is redundant in this sentence?

What term do you use for an impulsive reaction?

Does "typically" always imply a habitual occurrence?

What is the difference between "available" and "accessible"?

Is there one word for "not challenged enough"?

Is there a term for saying 'all countries outside the United States' without using the word 'foreign'? (used with international audience)

Is "diplomations" a coined word possibly used in journalism or in politics?

Is there a word to describe beliefs that are neither scientific nor false nor religious?

Is it possible to use " every second Saturday" instead of "every other Saturday"?

Use of the word 'inured'

Words for different levels of crying

Spermatozoan or spermatozoal?

Beef with or Grief against? [closed]

Different usage of paper towel

Can I say "good in school"? [duplicate]

That was mandatory as of or is mandatory as of

What is the word to describe a feeling felt in the past, but forgotten?

"from where it was stopped" vs "from where it has stopped"

A noun which means a flaw in achieving something

Does "inserting" yourself in a situation have a negative connotation?