New posts in windows-xp

enabling "classic" look in Windows 7 - or at least reducing window edge widths

Automatically executing Disk Cleanup on shutdown

Shift key pops up a menu

Logging out of a network share drive without reboot?

How to disable message sorting on Thunderbird?

Shortcut to set screen resolution

What setting in XP stops executables being run unless you're an administrator?

Change title of taskbar icon in windows xp

Windows XP scheduled tasks and defragmenting?

Can I set all 'automatic' services to 'manual' on Windows XP?

how to change port number of Apache server in windows OS

Make First Time Access Folder Faster

Is there a way to change the layout of Windows Start window?

Run an exe and close the command prompt

Has someone written (or is aware of) an instruction guide for setting up a RAMDisk and using it for pagefile.sys?

Wake-on-lan only works so many times

How to force a drive letter for a USB drive

Best Network Antivirus for Windows XP [closed]

finding user's documents folder in .bat script

Use computer as NAT router or proxy to share access by USB 3G dongle