New posts in windows-vista

Is there a way to make Windows Vista command prompt run in 256 colors so I can use my VIM color theme in it?

VGA output working, but no signal on DVI?

WMF 4.0 & DSC on Vista? Any chance?

Could a temp directory with a lot of files slow down the Windows PC?

How to save and restore options for cmd.exe window?

How to save our "desktop state"?

What does Bitlocker measure to detect a startup change?

Deleting a folder named "con"

My monitor doesn't auto-turn off!

How do you remove old Windows Vista Backups?

How to get the .ico file of an arbitrary file?

Manually Deleting Windows 7/Vista Backup files

Virtualbox 3.0 is very slow, any way to fix it?

Access Denied to "Documents and Settings" on Vista

Refresh Language Bar in Windows Vista/7 programatically

Get side scroll area back on laptop trackpad

How do I find out why my computer is thrashing its drive?

How to connect pyodbc to an Access (.mdb) Database file

how to make ssh putty retain connection even after vista is coming back from hibernation?

Windows Vista activation in VMWare