New posts in windows-registry

Where is the Default Program associations stored in the registry? [duplicate]

Run a .REG file in a logon script where regedit is disabled?

Can I remove Windows 10 Timeline's nudge to "see more days in timeline"

In the Windows Registry, what is the "LegacyDisable" string value and what exactly does it do?

How do I remove residual traces of uninstalled software from the registry?

Autorun for PowerShell

Where and how is the password stored for the account associated with a Windows service?

Editing a windows XP installation's registry without being able to log in

Restrict device installation using Registry Editor against BadUSB

How to disable Explorer.exe for given user?

How do I disable all windows hotkeys?

Windows 10 1809 - Region/language registry keys

How do I remap a key to a key-combination in the Windows 7 registry?

How to know SID of Windows' user account?

What determines the icon for entries in the New context menu?

Apply registry tweak to newly created users

Creating a .reg file for Windows 7

Deleted my user in hkey_users

Registry setting for Internet Explorer's "Compatibility View settings" to add a site?

Change sound scheme in windows via Windows Registry