New posts in whitespace

My diff contains trailing whitespace - how to get rid of it?

c# Fastest way to remove extra white spaces

How to preserve whitespace indentation of text enclosed in HTML <pre> tags excluding the current indentation level of the <pre> tag in the document?

How can I trim trailing whitespace in Visual Studio 2012 on save?

Replace excess whitespaces and line-breaks with PHP?

Remove the Extra Whitespace Surrounding Iframes?

Iterating over a dictionary in python and stripping white space

How to remove trailing whitespace from file extensions and folders snow?

How to create string with multiple spaces in JavaScript

Why does HTML require that multiple spaces show up as a single space in the browser?

How to show/reveal hidden or invisible characters in NetBeans?

git whitespace woes

Responsive website on iPhone - unwanted white space on rotate from landscape to portrait

How to remove strange space symbols in Word

Delete whitespace left and right in Notepad++

Remove whitespace in Python using string.whitespace

Specifying Tab-Width?

Remove "whitespace" between div element

When does whitespace matter in HTML?

Fastest way to remove white spaces in string