New posts in webcam

Set webcam on different USB bus

How to make webcam settings permanent?

Making 1080p webcam running at 60 fps using UVC 1.5

Webcam upside down when using skype

Your webcam is currently being used by another application?

Can you programatically tell if the webcam is in use?

How to change the default webcam? Changing defaults in Multimedia selctor not working

Using a Campark ACT74 action cam as a webcam in macOS 10.12

Displaying a webcam feed using OpenCV and Python

Can the iSight camera perform facial recognition at the lock/login screen?

capturing video from webcam and saving to a file

Can't access external Kandao Ooocom camera via USB

Four /dev/video entries but just one camera

iChat sends out connections to an IP address when configuring camera and mic settings

FFmpeg filter to rotate image through arbitrary angle

How to turn off my ubuntu web camera?

Why does my Logitech C920 camera turn off and on again during recording with Photo Booth?

How do you disable the autofocus of a webcam in OS X?

macOS : stream a "false" prerecorded image/video to my webcam

See processes which use device