New posts in wallpaper

Retrieve Current iPhone Lock Screen Live Photo Wallpaper

How many different images are there in a dynamic wallpaper?

Create iOS 13 Light/Dark wallpaper

where is the default folder for theme, icons, and wallpaper?

Problem with setting wallpaper using gsettings

How do I customize desktop wallpaper slideshow?

Programmatically changing the iOS lock-screen

How do I set the default icon set and wallpaper for new users?

Make a text file my automatically updated background?

desktop has become a grey void in Xubuntu 13.10

How do I change the wallpaper in GNOME 3 via a script?

Ubuntu 13.04 unable to change background images in user mode

How to keep lock screen always on when connected to external monitor and charging

How do I change my wallpaper in Lubuntu?

Different background or wallpaper per workspace Ubuntu 12.04 [duplicate]

Non-static desktop wallpaper in macOS

Desktop settings (background and applets) disappear in Kubuntu 20.1

how to stretch a single wallpaper image across multiple monitors

Is there a way to access Mac OS default wallpaper with resolution for portrait mode monitor?

Cant change size of wallpaper (stock or from home/pictures) 13.10 using gnome3