New posts in vmware-esxi

vmware server end of life, where to go now?

How is the /altbootbank/ partition used in ESXi?

How do you monitor your HP hardware while running virtual servers?

Can I virtualize multiple hosts into one virtual system? [duplicate]

What kind of storage do people actually use for VMware ESX servers?

Options for managing Smart Array P400 on an ESXi 5 host

How do I delete ESXi vm snapshots using the least additional space possible?

VMWare ESXi free?

Why are snapshots considered as temporary backups not real backups?

Monitor ESXi hosts with Nagios

How should I copy my VM templates between vSphere datacenters?

How do you passthrough native SATA drives to a guest on ESXi?

Disk shrink does not work on ESXi guests

In VMware ESXi 5.x, does it make a difference if I select 2 CPU cores vs. 2 CPU sockets?

Hardware firewall vs VMware firewall appliance

How to manage a global VM startup order across the whole datacenter?

Why VM snapshots are affecting performance?

VMware Distributed vSwitches (VDS) - Design, theory, *real* use cases and examples?

Is there a way to clone an existing VM on an ESXi server without having to re-import it?

When deploying a single server on new hardware, do you virtualize it or not?