New posts in vmware-esxi

What actually happens when I mark a disk as SSD in ESXi?

VMXNET3 receive buffer sizing and memory usage

What configuration changes can I make to speed up extremely slow Windows VM's in ESXi 4.0

ESXi Beacon Probing Limitation - Three Switches Required?

why a fresh ESXI installation only uses half of my SSD storage?

How to control admission policy in vmware HA?

How can I deploy template-based VM from Linux?

VMware ESXi: help downloading large ISO

SSD on Vmware ESXI 4 (TRIM? Good Idea?)

Console on ESXi 5

Network adapter to eth number mapping for vmware

Disk IO slow on ESXi, even slower on a VM (freeNAS + iSCSI)

Mysterious “fragmentation required” rejections from gateway VM

How can I increase the throughput/bandwith of my virtual network?

Can a VM perform better when only two cores instead of four cores are presented to it?

What's the correct way to set the time on ESXI hosts?

VMware vCenter/ESXi with FreeIPA instead of Active Directory?

Why don't servers always run at max?

How to synchronize time on ESXi Windows virtual machines within one second?

How do I shutdown the Host over ssh on ESXi 5 so it shuts down the guests properly?