New posts in virtualhost

What is the logic behind VirtualHost / NameVirtualHost

Apache Virtual Hosts with SSL

Wildcard DNS, VirtualHosts on apache2, 404 for unused subdomains

Why Apache virtual hosts on Ubuntu 14.04 is not working?

Dynamic Virtual Hosts In Apache

Set up Apache2 to server multiple directories on the same domain based on URL path

Apache: Using same Directory directive for multiple virtual hosts

Apache virtualhosts no longer working after update to 13.10

Apache RewriteMap with URLs containing space doesn't work

Can I define HTTP and HTTPS in the same VirtualHost in Apache conf?

Using an Apache VirtualHost to access a Node JS instance on the same server

Setup default page for Apache Virtual Hosts

SSL and ServerAlias on one Apache server with multiple domains

domain redirection with virtualhost

Using VirtualDocumentRoot *only* if a suitable document root exists

Should you edit/delete the default apache site config?

Adding VirtualHost fails: Access Forbidden Error 403 (XAMPP) (Windows 7)

Configure Bonjour for a custom vhost on Apache on OS X

Multi-site hosting - important vulnerability being missed to secure sites from each other?

How can I configure VirtualHost without restarting Apache web server?