New posts in virtual-machine

VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter [closed]

Copy vagrant box locally

Can I "transfer" my Windows 7 license to a virtual machine running on the same computer?

which file type to install my virtual hard disk in while installing a new machine on virtualbox?

Virtualization is not working anymore after installing WSL on the host

Can't access VMware virtual machine through SSH

Virtual Machine (VirtualBox) -- How to access files from the hosting machine?

Should I enable Firewall and AntiVirus on a VirtualPC VM? [duplicate]

Using vagrant to run virtual machines with desktop environment

How to connect via RDP to my Hyper-V machine?

How do I prevent virt-manager from asking for the root password?

How can I shrink my VMware image?

SSH to Vagrant box in Windows?

What does selecting an OS in VirtualBox actually do?

Is it possible to launch GUI of headless VirtualBox' machine?

Is it possible to "virtualize" an existing PC?

Does VMWare Fusion negatively affect system performance?

VirtualBox: mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device [closed]

How to run a minimal Linux inside a running 64-bit Windows 7

virtualbox port forwarding does not work